No More Knife Crime – A Poem

This is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago, inspired by the tragic story of Ben Kinsella. His sister Brooke has today made progress with her campaign to reduce youth and knife crime.

No More Knife Crime – A Poem

Solid life was shattered
With the twist of a manic blade.
The debt that was created
Could never be repaid.

Extinguished, like a sooty fire
This life stopped in its tracks.
How cowardly could one man be
To stab him in the back.

Frantically repeated,
11 times or more.
This poor soul had done nothing
And now exists no more.

If only he had stayed away
Or been at home that night
Then he woud still be here today;
Not sacrificed for a fight.

The void is like a chasm
With depths unlike any other.
The world is missing a young man
And a girl has lost her brother.

But this fight isn’t over.
The war goes on and on.
Society is twisted
And everything is wrong.

We should all live together
Without the fear of crime.
I hope that it might happen
Within my own lifetime.

If not, then for my children
Let knife crime fail and cease.
Only then will the fight be over
And society shall feel the release.

Free to let our children
Explore this playgroud we’ve created;
Knowing nothing but love and peace.
A victory to be celebrated!

No More Knife Crime is a poem © Ms Moem 2011 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

Ode To My Friend In Labour

The moment has come, after all of your waiting;
Your womb is contracting, your cervix dilating.
Breathe through apprehension and try to keep calm
For in a short while, baby girl will be in your arms.

It might hurt a little, I’m not going to lie.
You might get frustrated and have a quick cry.
You can do this with your eyes shut, so try to stay cool
And appreciate the benefits of splashing in your pool.

Warm soothing water and your husband on hand
Will help you achieve the perfect birth you have planned.
You know you can do it, so keep holding strong
It soon will be over, and it won’t take that long.

So cherish these moments, the calm before the storm;
You’re doing SO well and your baby will soon be born.
We cannot wait to hear the news, so give a great big push,
Knowing you have a support team & lots of love from all of us!

Ode To Katherine Jenkins

collaboration with dot2uk

Delighted to work in collaboration with @Dot2UK. His portraits and illustrations are 100% bespoke. To see more illustrations and commission your own bespoke illustration from this very talented chap, please see the website:

Ode To Katherine Jenkins

Classic and contemporary are fused with evident ease
As the voice of this mezzo-soprano resonates clearly on the breeze.
Born and raised in Wales, with plenty of talent and determination,
Katherine Jenkins is now a household name and admired across the nation.

Elegant and beautiful, there’s nothing that this lady can’t do;
From performing operatic arias, to acting roles on Doctor Who.
The Face Of Wales 2000 is recognized around the world
Proving that there are no limits for this former choirgirl.

Six studio albums reached number 1 before 2008
With Premiere making her the fastest-selling mezzo-soprano to date.
Katherine is a true professional who knew she could go far;
She’s a truly great British export and a worldwide superstar!

Ode To Katherine Jenkins is a poem © Ms Moem 2011 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

Illustration is © TJRossin 2011 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

X Factor Final

At last we are here; the end is in sight
And the X Factor Final kicks off for us tonight.
We are eased into the show with all the finalists reunited
And it’s clear that our four acts are all nervous and excited.

“What A Feeling” is the song that has been chosen for the start
And every act on the stage was clearly singing from the heart.
It’s been a contentious year for the X Factor, but viewing is still on top
And tonight we see each act go home, before this journey finally stops.

Matt takes us home to Colchester before singing us his notes
And he waved Dido’s White Flag, to hopefully secure our telephone votes.
This chap will be duetting with Rihanna, and he has Stacey Solomon on the streets;
Will Matt become our winning finalist, as his line-up seems so sweet.

Rebecca Ferguson is next up, and she took us home to Liverpool
You could hear the emotion in her voice as she returned to her old school.
Her act takes place on a pedestal, and she is immaculately dressed;
Could Rebecca be our winner, with Coleen Rooney championing her success?

One Direction drove the Bradford crowds wild and that’s all I’ll say about that;
Then they gave us Your Song as their performance, and it was really a very good act.
The judges all seemed complementary and Simon had to pause for the screams.
Could One Direction be the winning act, the first victorious band there has been?

Number four in our line-up, is keen to fill our teen rap void;
It is Cheryl’s protege from Malvern, the dinky Cher Lloyd.
Clap Clap uniquely combined with Missy Elliott is her opening choice;
Will Cher Lloyd be our winner, will you be voting for her voice?

Next on it’s the duets, and this is what we’ve been waiting for;
Matt Cardle took on Rihanna, and who could possibly wish for more.
Next Rebecca and Christina Aguilera, give us ‘Beautiful’ as their tune.
If I had got to sing with either lady, I’d have been simply over the moon.

Robbie Williams returned to the X Factor to sing with One Direction
And Will.I.Am was flown in by Cheryl, as Cher Lloyd’s duet selection.
The finalists have done all they can, and only three of them will go through
So pick up the telephone and get voting, as their futures depend on you!

We have scantily glad Rihanna and Christina perform before the decision is declared;
At this point in the competition, we’ll forgive all the acts for being scared.
Dermot announced that Rebecca, One Direction and Matt Cardle are all safe.
So it’s so long to Cher Lloyd as she just misses her final three place.

X Factor Final is a poem © Ms Moem 2010 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

X Factor Phone Numbers To Vote For Your Favourite

Matt Cardle 0901 61 61 101
Rebecca Ferguson 0901 61 61 102
One Direction 0901 61 61 103
Cher Lloyd 0901 61 61 104

Happy Birthday Eamonn Holmes

It’s a birthday celebration so I’ll start the birthday cheers
For a chap whose career in journalism spans over 30 years.
I’m not sure that there is a channel on which he hasn’t been sighted
And I can also tell you he worships at the altar of Manchester United.

He’s the loveable Irish gentleman, who is with us as day is dawning;
He’s the star of Sunrise on Sky News and a regular on This Morning.
He’s versatile and he’s credible and that really is the truth
And he makes an even better team with his glamorous & lovely wife Ruth.

I’m sure that you’ve now gathered which father of four we’re talking about.
He’s has one the most recognized faces and voices; of that there is no doubt.
Yes, it’s Eamonn Holmes birthday, which falls on the 3rd of December;
A date that he shares with my daughter so I can never fail to remember!

So happy birthday Eamonn, on this snowy and wintery day.
I hope that your celebrations will be full of fun in every way!
May the year ahead bring you all that you wish and more;
Enjoy your special day, as after all, that’s what it’s for!

Happy Birthday Eamonn Holmes is a poem © Ms Moem 2010 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

Remembrance Sunday Poem

Remember remember, on this day in November
The people who sacrificed their lives.
Dedication unsurpassed, they fought until the last
So that their children, and our nation could survive.

Remember remember, on this day in November
Our minds cast back to the battles that were fought.
Our soldiers were brave, as their mortality they gave
So that we could reap the freedom that they bought.

Remember remember, on this day in November
The sea of poppies that is eternally red.
Waving in the breeze, symbolising endless legacies
Standing proudly in the memory of the dead.

Remembrance Sunday Poem is © Ms Moem 2010 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.

Remembrance Sunday Poem On Youtube

Above all, this Remembrance Sunday poem is written in loving memory of those who fought for us.

Remembrance Sunday Poem by Ms Moem