Ode To My Friend In Labour

The moment has come, after all of your waiting;
Your womb is contracting, your cervix dilating.
Breathe through apprehension and try to keep calm
For in a short while, baby girl will be in your arms.

It might hurt a little, I’m not going to lie.
You might get frustrated and have a quick cry.
You can do this with your eyes shut, so try to stay cool
And appreciate the benefits of splashing in your pool.

Warm soothing water and your husband on hand
Will help you achieve the perfect birth you have planned.
You know you can do it, so keep holding strong
It soon will be over, and it won’t take that long.

So cherish these moments, the calm before the storm;
You’re doing SO well and your baby will soon be born.
We cannot wait to hear the news, so give a great big push,
Knowing you have a support team & lots of love from all of us!

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Published by

Ms Moem

Ms Moem is an English poet. Since 2007, she has taken thousands of commissions for personalised poetry. Bespoke poems make the best personalised gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more! Commmission your personalised poem today! iwantapoem.com

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