My First Adult Colouring Book

adult colouring book by Ms Moem ~ available on amazon ~ Add A Little Colour

Super excited to share a little project I have been working on with you ~ my first colouring book.

It should be available across all of amazon, so if you are not based in the UK simply do a search for Add A Little Colour Colouring Book and it should bring it up!

If you get it and like it, please do share your artworks with me on twitter and instagram!

my first colouring book - ms moem

National Poetry Day – I Am Not A Poet

I am not poet.
That’s right, that’s what you heard.
I do indeed write poetry
But ‘poet’ is not the right word.

I don’t try to be clever
Nor bamboozle with intent
But I do try to convert my words
Into cash that can be spent.

I write poetry for people.
I write poetry as gifts.
I write poetry for special occasions.
I write poetry that gives you a lift!

So, not the starving artist;
That should never be the case.
I’m re-writing the platform for poets
And giving versistas their own space.

I’ve created the definition
And shall continue to live this way.
Proud to declare myself the 1st versista
Today, on national poetry day.

I Am Not A Poet is © Ms Moem

My Cover Star Illustrator Winner

derwent logo

I’ve searched for a cover star, as you may well know
And I’ve finally decided on the very best in show.
With massive thanks to Derwent for a fabulous prize box;
I hope my lovely winner will be happily shocked!

So thank you all for entering; choosing was tough.
All three of my finalists are designs that I love.
The decision’s been made and fate is now sealed…
Now in traditional reverse order, may all be revealed!

illustration comp 3rd place Alan Jones

In 3rd place, with a super gorgeous entry – Alan Jones – Alan wins a copy of the book and a set of Derwent Sketching Pencils.

illustration comp 2nd place Sarah Ann Kent

In 2nd place, with a truly sweet and pretty entry – Sarah Ann Kent – Sarah wins a copy of the book and a set of Derwent Colouring pens.

Now drumroll please……………

The winner of my cover illustration competition, winning a copy of the book and a magnificent MAJESTIC box of Derwent Pencils is………….

illustration comp 1st place Gemma Plater Derwent Winner

Gemma Plater!! Congratulations!

If the three of you could email me your details we will get the various balls rolling!!

Thank you all once again – the standard of entries was outstanding and I think I have been very lucky to see so many talented stars!

Do leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the choices!!


One final entry that I would just like to  mention is this gorgeous design by Celine Elliott, whose design is most
definitely HIGHLY COMMENDED. Pure simplicity, but so pretty! Thank you so much for your creativity!

illustration comp highly commended Celine Elliott