Remember when your separate lives were all there was to know,
Before the spark, the first connect, the love that came to grow.
Remember how you met and how it changed it your lives forever
As from then on, your lives entwined and you did things together.
Remember what you did back then and how it made you feel;
A sneaky touch, the cheeky looks, the pure raw sex appeal.
Remember who was first to move and how they made it clear
Nothing to prove, when all was new, the path that led you here.
Remember where it started and look how far you’ve come.
Remember all the words you said and all that you have done.
Remember where you’re going and how it came to start
And remember that you choose the ones who occupy your heart.
Remember is a wedding poem written by English Poet Ms Moem.
If you use this wedding poem on your special day, please do let me know. I love to know where my poems get to when I am not looking.