I Can’t Do It

I can’t do it.

This little sentence briefly flickered through my mind as I sat down to write this post. It actually made me raise my eyebrows. Not a good thing to think when you are only 8 blog posts into a 100 blogs in 100 days challenge!

But as quickly as the thought crossed my mind, I pushed it out again.

We all have times where we think we can’t do things. Even silly little things. And generally, it doesn’t really mean that we can’t physically DO THE THING, but rather we are afraid of the amount of effort it will take.

So really, I was telling myself I didn’t want to do it, rather than I couldn’t do it. Neither are great in terms of getting me through the challenge, but by identifying what I really meant left me free to give my head a shake. I do want to do it really. I just need to remind myself that I can.

I can do this - quote

I’m not even 10% of the way through the 100 blogs challenge so giving up at this stage would be lethal.
I mean, I wrote my intention down on the internet and everything! That means I can’t quit. Or rather I could quit, but I am not giving myself the permission to do so.

I am actually really enjoying the challenge at the moment because it is encouraging me to think about different topics. Do you ever go online and think “There is nothing to look at. I have run out of internet!” Well, I was feeling a bit that way. I was stuck in my routine of looking at the same old websites, doing the same old things over and over. It’s nice to have a different purpose or perspective from time to time.

Three Reasons I Want To Complete The 100 Blogs In 100 Days Challenge

  • Writing more helps you write even more. This will be beneficial to me as a writer in many ways.
  • Fulfilling the full 100 posts in 100 days will be an achievement. This will make me feel good.
  • More posts on my blog will hopefully mean more people stumble across my poems and blogs.

So, having looked at the evidence, I would still have to say I can’t do it. But by it, I mean give up.

Quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit. This poem I wrote reminds me not to quit.

Feel like you can't go on? Never quit. Quitters Don't Win. Winners Don't Quit

I cannot give up. I just can’t do it! πŸ™‚ What helps you get through when you feel you can’t do something?

100 blogs in one hundred days

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Ms Moem

Ms Moem is an English poet. Since 2007, she has taken thousands of commissions for personalised poetry. Bespoke poems make the best personalised gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more! Commmission your personalised poem today! iwantapoem.com

5 thoughts on “I Can’t Do It”

  1. You had me worried there!

    Great post. I think the number one thing that gets me through is the expectation and my complete inability to pull this up as an example when someone says next time in a training course: ‘I don’t have time to blog’!

    You’re doing great and you’re inspiring others, which in itself is fantastic.

    Gareth πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read, Jen! Will look forward to your 100 blog posts! πŸ™‚

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