Theo Paphitis Retweets Ms Moem On Small Business Sunday

Theo Paphitis Retweets Ms Moem

Theo Paphitis Champions Small Businesses on Small Business Sunday #sbs

He’s a business phenemenon now promoting small business success

Via the medium of Twitter, with his hashtag #sbs.

I sent over my best offering, wondering if he would retweet this

And lo and behold, Ms Moem was mentioned by the fabulous Theo Paphitis.

His concept is simple, but for us it’s a treat;

He’s championing small businesses with a well placed retweet.

So small business Sunday might become a tradition;

Add #sbs to your tweets, to participate in Theo’s mission.

It is less than 10 hours since I released my first book

And already I can feel an overwhelming wave of good luck!

Now as you can imagine, I am bouncing with glee

So on the behalf of all small businesses, I’d like to say thank you Mr P!

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