Ripples | a poem

ripples poem by ms moem - poem about thinking positively in life


Life plays out in ripples
From all we do and say.
Each of us has an impact
Just living day to day.
Though the way that we are
Is all we can control,
We are drops in an ocean
That we should consider our whole.
Positivity and its opposite
Are so easily spread
Through variable actions
And words that are said.
Bring out other’s sunshine
And help diffuse their tension.
Make words spoken about you
Have nothing bad to mention.
Find the joy in life
Through the little things you do
And remind yourself daily
That you’re lucky to be you!
So be a beacon of light
That cuts through the dark.
Let your ripples be love
So only good can take spark.

Ripples is a short poem by Ms Moem

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