Stay Wild | A Poem

Stay wild poem by ms moem

Stay Wild

You were not born a statue
Nor rooted like a tree.
You were born a wild one;
A spirit pure and free.

No cage should hold you captive.
No title should define.
You’re flexible and fluid,
So can change at any time.

With nothing set in stone
And so much to explore
Wander down a million paths
And rattle every door.

Never stop adventuring.
Embrace your inner child.
Stay fearless & stay curious.
Stay positive. Stay wild.

Stay Wild is a short poem about life by English poet, Ms Moem. © All rights reserved.

If you would like a copy of this poem to print and hang on your walls, you can find an instant download here:

Becoming Free | Short Poem

becoming free poem by ms moem, motivational affirmation poem quote.

Becoming Free

All what-ifs
And what can’t be,
I cast them out;
Now I am free.

Becoming Free is a short motivational affirmation poem written by English poet, Ms Moem. © All rights reserved.

If you would like to buy a copy of this poem or any of my other poems, check out my etsy shop for an instant download:

Life Hacks: Timing | Poem

life hacks: timing - a poem by english poet, Ms Moem.

Life Hacks: Timing

Give yourself time
and give yourself space.
To win your own marathon,
First start the race.
Set your own pace and
with purpose, run steady.
Have faith in yourself;
you’ll know when you’re ready.

Life Hacks: Timing is a short poem by English poet Ms Moem. ©

Do you like this poem? Would like to have a copy to print out and display on your wall to remind you that you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else, and that you are running your own race?
If so, please find it on my etsy store as an instant download for you to print yourself!

Count The Ways You’re Beautiful | Poem

Poem about beauty - Count All The Ways You're Beautiful - poems by Ms Moem, English poet.

Count All The Ways You’re Beautiful

Count all the ways you’re beautiful;
Your soul and your spirit,
Your brilliant body
And all the wonder within it.
Your heart full of love,
Your mind full of care,
Your eyes full of awe,
Your lungs full of air.
Your chest full of pride,
Your muscles full of strength,
Your brain full of questions,
Your compassion, immense.
Your hands that can comfort,
Your words that can soothe,
Your conscience that roots you
In the good, right and true.
You are a miracle,
Unique through and through.
So count the ways you’re beautiful
And always be proud of you!

Count The Ways You’re Beautiful is a short rhyming poem by contemporary English poet, Ms Moem. ©

I really hope you like this poem. If you would like to help support my poetry and also get yourself a lovely gift into the bargain, you can find an instant download of this poem available on my etsy store:

We Begin | Poem

poem about life - we begin by english poet, Ms Moem

We Begin

We begin not by wanting to exist,
but by chance.
A complex dance of nature.
Nurtured. Take your
talk of fate and seek to make
more of your turn.
Learn what makes you tick
because you don’t have to stick
with what is presented;
pretending it’s your thing when it’s not.
You’ve got the power and it’s within you.
So begin.
Win your own definition of success
and don’t settle for less, as giving up
only means you ensure that it will never happen.
Break the pattern.
If chance brought you here, you have nothing to fear
by beginning.
So take a chance, and never stop swimming.
By wanting not just to exist, we begin.

We Begin is a short poem about life by English poet, Ms Moem. ©

Soul Of A Storm

soul of a storm - short poem by English poet Ms Moem

Soul Of A Storm

She has the soul of a storm and the freedom of the wind.
She has eyes like the stars with moonshine within.
With the strength of the sea and lightning in her toes
She dances on the breeze of change wherever she goes.
Hotter than a volcano and deeper than the oceans
A whirling, swirling myriad of feelings & emotions.
She is daughter of the earth, primordially inspired.
She is water, she is wood. She is earth. She is fire!

Soul Of A Storm is a short poem by Ms Moem.

If you like this poem enough to want to own your very own copy, you can buy an instant download in my etsy store and print it yourself!

Thank you in advance for supporting my poetry! It means such a lot.

Change The World

change the world - english poem by Ms Moem - poetic motivation and inspiration - for more poetry visit

Change The World

How can we change the world?
Change the way that things are?
What will it take?
What have we done so far?
Are we calling for kindness?
Are we leaning together?
Are we leaving a legacy
We’ll be proud of forever?
Do we care about others?
Do we try to understand?
Could we unite the globe?
Every place, every land
Every single last person,
All residents by birth.
It’s in our best interests
To cherish our earth.
So, what are we doing?
Will it ever be done?
Can we craft a better future
For the generations to come?
Can we nurture all spirits
Between ocean and sky?
Can we change the world?
We can certainly try.

Change The World is a poem by Ms Moem.

Surrender To The Flow

surrender to the flow poem by English poet, Ms Moem @msmoem

Surrender To The Flow

When you’re unsure of where to go
Simply surrender to the flow.
Try it, taste it, feel the groove
And then decide on your next move.

Surrender To The Flow is a short poem by English poet, Ms Moem.

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