I am not normally one to have a rant but………..
Well, it is like this. It’s not a new thing but I have noticed it has become more prevelant of late. In the social world of instagram and twitter, numbers appear to be a game and there are those who play that game by following a person………..until they follow back…….and then they promptly unfollow.
It strikes me as a bizarre way of going about things.
If you want people to respect you and become invested in you or your mission, then why treat them like numbers?
It leaves rather a bad taste in the mouth and while you think your tactics go un-noticed they really don’t.
So I am opting out of that game and no longer auto following back. To me, a single figure followship of interactive and/or interested people has greater appeal than hundreds or even thousands of faceless numbers that I’ve had to ‘play’ into being there.
I would hazard a guess that when you get to the end of the game of life, you won’t be sitting there wishing you’d had more instagram followers ~ so if it is not a dream to die by, why live by it?
So what type of instagram or twitter user are you?
I’m simply girl who wants to share her writing.
If you’re only playing bait, then stop fishing; I’m not biting.
– Ms Moem
I genuinely love connecting with new people and I would like to take the opportunity to thank those of you who do follow and interact with me as it really does mean a lot. It is a privilege that our lives get to intersect in this digital way and I love being inspired by you, each and every day.
To end on a positive, I have made some lovely friends through social media who I’ve known for many years now!
Some of my favourites to follow:
Joyce Connor ~ fun loving, friendly professional make-up artist
Twitter: /bridesandbeauty
Instagram @joyceconnormua
Brad Burton ~ motivational speaker, MD of national networking company, author & powerhouse:
Twitter: /bradburton
Instagram: @bradburton
Pamella Dunn ~ elegant wedding planner and stylist
twitter: /pamelladunn
instagram: @pamelladunn
Alison Tinlin – dedicated wedding blogger with a hint of tartan
twitter: /mrspandp
instagram: @alisontinlin_mrspand
Ellie Sanderson – luxury bridal boutique owner, entrepreneur and fairy dressmother
twitter: /elliesanderson1
instagram: @elliesanderson
Angela – ingenious crafter who knits tiaras, creator of jewellery & lover of nature
twitter: /pearlysmith
instagram: @pearlysmith
And if you would like to connect with me (no pressure), you can find me on instagram: @msmoem