Bad days! We all have them! But it is important to remember that a bad day doesn’t mean a bad forever. At midnight, even bad days come to an end; a chance to reset and come back out on top.
What do you do when you’re having a bad day?
Some cry it out. Some brood. Some people like to exercise. Some people find comfort in chocolate. Some like to journal it and process it on paper. Some lift their spirits with a brisk walk. Others dance it out.
It took me many years to realise that my mood seems to be directly linked to whether or not I have listened to music. A music free day does not a happy poet make!
That’s just an average day. But what about those days where life just seems to get on top of you? The days where the decision hasn’t gone your way, or something has happened, or even those ‘hormonal days’.
Again, for me, music is the cure-all! If my mood can’t be lifted by my favourite musicians, then it is REALLY bad!
What lifts your mood when you’re in a slump? How do you get yourself out of it?
This is post 27 of 100 blogs in 100 days.

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