The lovely Andrea of AndAllThingsNice nominated me for a liebster award – thanks Andrea!
About the Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is for bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers and uses the following guidelines:
- thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog
- display the award “badge” on your blog
- answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
- list 11 random facts about yourself
- nominate up to 11 bloggers and let them know you have nominated them
- set 11 questions for the bloggers you have nominated
- post a comment on the blog post of the person that nominated you so they can read the post
To find out more about the award and rules: The Official Rules Of The Liebster Award.
So let’s get started. First up Andrea’s questions and my answers!
My answers to Andrea’s questions:
- When did you start blogging and why? I wanted a channel for my personal poetry to run alongside my professional poetry service. Blogging was the perfect platform. I took on my nom de plume Ms Moem in 2010 and have just run with it!
- What is your pet hate? Whingers and whiners! Oh, and people who don’t wave to say thanks when you stop to let them past in your car.
- Where do you find inspiration for your blogging? Everywhere! Currently writing 100 blogs in 100 days so I have to be on the ball! Anything can trigger a blog post, whether it be something on the news, in a tweet, someone else’s blog; inspiration is everywhere!
- What is your perfect Saturday night? Saturday nights are not as exciting as they once were. I am happy with the internet and a cup of tea, preferably with a film or something like the X Factor on in the background.
- What is your favourite childhood candy sweet? Those giant cola bottles.
- What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Go with the flow. You work better if you go with your natural flow rather than trying to fight against it.
- What is your favourite film of all time? Any Harry Potter film! Love the magic!
- What piece of advice would you give to a younger you? Be bold. Do stuff that other people don’t.
- What 5 products could you not live without? Twinings English Breakfast Tea, my laptop, my Nikon D80 DSLR, Paperblanks notebooks, Radox Bath Soak
- What is your favourite part of a wedding? There are so many parts of a wedding that I like. Right up there at the top would have to be seeing the bride enter, and I always cry at the vows. Then later on, the first dance sets me off again. On a purely food loving point, I love the eating part!! 🙂
- Vintage or new? New
Now for eleven random facts about me.
11 Random Facts About Me
- I am not even 5ft tall!
- I can play the piano by ear, but only with one hand.
- If I could only eat one food, I’d choose lasagne.
- I have 4 daughters.
- Astrology wise, I am a Taurus, metal monkey!
- I like making music.
- I had my first go on the internet in 1998.
- Money falling out of my birthday cards will always make me squeal.
- Kylie Minogue was my first ever pop idol! Still have my sticker books and posters.
- I am more of a night owl than a lark.
- I do handstands just to check that I still can!
Now to nominate some more blogs and bloggers for the award!
I would like to nominate the following people for a Liebster Award:
Gareth Mailer @garethmailer
Georgina at Ruby Weddings @rubyweddings
Miss Make It Happen @MIH_Dee
MrsPandP @MrsPandP
Ellie Sanderson @EllieSanderson1
Shona Easton @ShonaEaston
Mike at OnSiteNow @OnSiteNow
Lisa at Athena Business Solutions @Athera_Business
Shellibobbins Hugs For Noah @Shellibobbins @HugsForNoah
Joyce Connor MUA @JoyceConnorMUA
Author Elisabeth Hobbes @ElisabethHobbes
Finally, my questions to the people I have nominated!
My questions to the nominated bloggers
- What kind of lottery winner would you be?
- Which 6 famous people would you invite to a fantasy dinner party?
- Where do you find inspiration for your blogging?
- What is your favourite season and why?
- What is your favourite word?
- Do you have a hobby, and if so, what is it?
- If you were an animal, what would you be?
- What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
- Who was your favourite popstar when you were a teenager?
- What is your favourite part of the day?
- What is the most important thing you’ve ever said?
Nominees, I look forward to reading your blog posts! Don’t forget to leave me a comment and tweet me so that I can see it!
This is post 46 of 100 blogs in 100 days.

Thanks, but it’s not an award, it’s a chain letter!
I’ll answer your question though, but that’s as far as I’ll go with it.
What kind of lottery winner would you be?
Which 6 famous people would you invite to a fantasy dinner party?
Alex Tabarrok,Daniel Kahneman, Sam Harris , Angela Belcher,Tim Harford,Craig Venter
(they are famous to me, seen them all on TED!)
Where do you find inspiration for your blogging?
By doing it!
What is your favourite season and why?
Summer, it’s hot.
What is your favourite word?
Do you have a hobby, and if so, what is it?
If you were an animal, what would you be?
What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t be so bloody stupid!
Who was your favourite popstar when you were a teenager?
Jimi Hendrix
What is your favourite part of the day?
What is the most important thing you’ve ever said?
No, no, es peligroso!
Ah, just a bit of fun and a handy blog post idea, but I appreciate you playing along here in the comments, Mike!
I concur that bocadillo is a pretty cool word!
Gracias! 🙂