100 blogs in 100 days | day 30

100 blogs in 100 days #100blogs Day 30

30 days ago, on a whim, I agreed to try and write 100 blogs in 100 days. When I first heard about the challenge, I really had no idea if I would be able to either commit to the amount of time or to produce the amount of content required to fulfill the full #100blogs.

But, day by day, I have managed to produce a blog post, and published it. And now we’re on day 30, almost a third of the way through!

100 blogs in 100 days | day 30

So what are the benefits of accepting the #100blogs challenge & writing blog posts every day for 100 days?
I have written poems and quotes, made ‘blog pretty’, found new readers, increased blog traffic and grown connections across all the platforms I participate in. I have had some banter with some of the challenge participants and had a peek at the insights into their various industries. I have found new topics and inspiration and all in all, I am really glad I started this.
I’m building up a fabulous library of blog assets as I go along, which I can re-purpose elsewhere and as we all know, content is king!

Focusing a bit deeper on the possible benefits of regular blogging, I will be looking to extend my 100 blogs efforts across to my bespoke poetry blog, although the schedule there will not be daily.

I am starting to think about what will happen when the 100 days comes to an end. I am not sure yet whether I will continue daily blogging after that point, as it is a lot of pressure. But saying that, it is a positive pressure. I am enjoying the feeling of accountability, without the actual accountability, if that makes sense. It also feels great to part of something bigger, and gives a daily conversation starter that many people who work from home might not have; stepping out of the isolation zone!

The main lesson I have picked up from this, is to say yes to things that might seem out of your comfort zone. Who knows where it might take you!

enter your adventure zone quote @noredbraces

The author of Business Networking for Dummies, Stefan Thomas @noredbraces puts it in a slightly different way:  Enter your adventure zone!


This is post 30 of 100 blogs in 100 days.
100 blogs in 100 days

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Published by

Ms Moem

Ms Moem is an English poet. Since 2007, she has taken thousands of commissions for personalised poetry. Bespoke poems make the best personalised gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more! Commmission your personalised poem today! iwantapoem.com

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