A lone man walks an endless road
Uncertain where he’s heading.
He stares at the horizon,
Never looking where he’s treading.
Hours, weeks, and months pass by;
He starts to think it strange.
So many steps passed under foot
Yet the horizon never changed.
And so he came to pause a while
He sat and took it in.
The horizon was unreachable;
A battle he could not win.
But then he looked below him
To the ground on which he stood.
He turned, as though returning;
For a while he thought he would.
Then finally a vision;
An un-deniable inner voice.
Look how far you’ve come, my son;
Your journey. Your steps. Your choice.
Life’s horizon is not constant.
You might reach it in a blur
But never stop travelling onwards
Or never know how close you were.
Hope On The Horizon is a poem © Ms Moem 2012.