Hope On The Horizon | A Poem by Ms Moem

A lone man walks an endless roadHope On The Horizon Poem
Uncertain where he’s heading.
He stares at the horizon,
Never looking where he’s treading.

Hours, weeks, and months pass by;
He starts to think it strange.
So many steps passed under foot
Yet the horizon never changed.

And so he came to pause a while
He sat and took it in.
The horizon was unreachable;
A battle he could not win.

But then he looked below him
To the ground on which he stood.
He turned, as though returning;
For a while he thought he would.

Then finally a vision;
An un-deniable inner voice.
Look how far you’ve come, my son;
Your journey. Your steps. Your choice.

Life’s horizon is not constant.
You might reach it in a blur
But never stop travelling onwards
Or never know how close you were.

Hope On The Horizon is a poem © Ms Moem 2012.

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Published by

Ms Moem

Ms Moem is an English poet. Since 2007, she has taken thousands of commissions for personalised poetry. Bespoke poems make the best personalised gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more! Commmission your personalised poem today! iwantapoem.com

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