When you lose somebody
Your life is changed forever
It’s an indescribeable feeling
And can be hard to keep it together.
People um and ah alot
Or don’t know what to say.
They ask how you are feeling
And you answer “I’m OK!”
But what you really mean to say
Is, no, I’m not alright.
But it’s not the done thing to mention it
So grief is concealed out of sight.
And then the subject changes;
The moment to talk is gone.
You stare out into space
As A.N.Other rambles on.
You’re reliving conversations
And moments long gone by.
You’re picturing all the best bits
Trying desperately not to cry.
And then your thoughts are pierced
Brought back to the present day
But memories can be replayed perpetually
Though the physical being has gone away.
So, in that sense they are still living
Like an echo in life’s grand hall
And focusing on the positive
It was an honour to know them at all.
When You Lose Somebody is a poem © Ms Moem 2011.