We’ve hit 8’clock and it’s X Factor results time;
The contestants kicked us off with a badly synched mime.
Luckily Mrs Cole’s performance was far better rehearsed
And it was lovely and sweet to see her shaking with nerves.
Michael Buble also performed, and the British ladies swooned
As we awaited the results, under the light of the moon.
But do you know, I think truly, that most ladies’ new goal
Is now to embody the dainty Cheryl Cole.
A well placed ad break followed, for Cheryl to re-dress
Before Dermot gave us the answer as to which acts were a success.
Cher, Aiden, Wagner then Katie went through
Then One Direction heard the news that they were safe too.
Rebecca then Belle Amie, that made 7 happy acts
And the eigth person through, was the talented Matt.
Tesco’s Mary was the tenth, closely followed by Paije;
So John and Treyc will now sing for survival on the stage.
The last two songs did nothing for me, my attention span gone
But it was no great surprise that the evictee was John.
Tonight Cheryl’s performance, was for me, the real treat;
So it’s over and out now, from me, till next week!
X Factor Live Results Show Sunday Week Three is a poem © Ms Moem 2010 and may not be reproduced anywhere without permission.