A Realistic Wedding Poem

realistic wedding poem written by ms moem

A Realistic Wedding Poem

Marriage is a journey, and not just a destination
That goes far beyond this wedding, this public celebration.
This is just the beginning of a path we’ll travel together
With obstacles to overcome, and possible storms to weather.

One day we’ll sit side by side, hands withered and bent
Thinking back over the years, the good times we have spent.
We’ll remember the laughs. We’ll recall special places
And look far beyond the greyed hair and softly lined faces.

So let’s take it all in and cherish each day
No matter what happens, no matter what’s thrown our way.
We’re both realistic. Every day won’t be a dream
But we’re in this together, because we make a cracking team!

Realistic Wedding Poem written by Ms Moem.

If you would like to purchase a copy of my realistic wedding poem to use on your special day (to print off yourself to give a copy to the person reading it and also to run past your registrar, you can find it here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/538476710/printable-wedding-poem-realistic-wedding

If you use this poem at your wedding, please do let me know!

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