My Baby You Will Always Be
My baby you will always be
No matter where you are.
You’re like a little part of me,
Whether near or far.
I counted all your tiny toes
When you were fresh and new.
Words can’t express how proud I was
That I’d been given you.
Your tiny little newborn face
I couldn’t have loved more
And though your face was new to me
‘Twas like we’d met before.
And so each day you grew and grew
As I looked proudly on
Until one day, I looked and saw
Your baby days were gone.
But once my baby, you will stay
That way for all my days.
My baby you will always be
And I’ll love you always.
My Baby You Will Always Be is a short poem about being a mother, written by English poet Ms Moem. © All rights reserved.
If you would like to purchase a copy of this poem to use as a gift or for your nursery decor, you can find it here: