Mother: The Angel At My Side | Thank You Mum Poem

mothers day poem - mother the angel at my side - thank you poem for mums and mommies

Mother: The Angel At My Side | Thank You Mum Poem

Mothers are special,
Almost magical, in truth.
They simultaneously give you wings
And firm, yet flexible roots.
She’s the very first person
To know you outside and in,
Holding your heart as a souvenir
Of the time you shared a skin.
Her nature pours into you
And her nurture spurs you on
So it’s never hard to see
Where your character comes from.
And inside her eyes, a sparkle,
Of the life she has lived,
All the lessons she’s learned
And the love she has to give.
She gives without condition.
She loves with all her heart.
You’re always on her mind
Even when you are apart.
A mother has no rival.
The bond is truly unique.
She knows what you are thinking
Even when you do not speak.
A mother can be relied on
Her whole life through
To always keep believing
And to never give up on you.
It is such a precious gift
Having someone at your shoulder
To nurse you as an infant
And to be a friend as you get older.
There is no-one like a mother,
Nor could there ever be,
Who balances keeping you safe
Whilst also setting you free.
No-one will love you more
While your life has her in it.
She’s wonderful and wise
With an effervescent spirit
For showing me the way,
As an example, and a guide,
Thank you Mum, for everything;
The angel at my side.

Mother: The Angel At My Side | Thank You Mum Poem by English poet, Ms Moem. ©

Mother’s Day 2016

Mother’s Day 2016 in the UK will fall on Sunday, March 6.

Poems For Mums

a poem for mother's day 2016 - written by Ms Moem

poem for little kids to give to their mums on mother's day 2016 - hold my hand mummy by Ms Moem

Feel free to use these poems for Mother’s Day in your crafts and gift ideas as long as you remember to include my name as the author! Tweet or instagram me with your Mother’s Day tributes or even just pictures of you with your Mum/children. I love seeing those.

Favourites ~ A Poem For Mother’s Day

a poem for mothers day - favourites


Mums don’t have favourites!!
Or maybe they do.
Mine said I was her favourite
And I knew it was true.
She said the same to my brother.
Glee danced in his eyes.
He knew that she meant it
As mums never tell lies.
We are so very different
But right from the start
It was clear that we occupied
The same place in her heart.
Yes, we are both her favourites
And the reason I’m sure
Is that favourite means most loved
And she couldn’t love us more.

Favourites is a poem for Mother’s Day 2015 written by Ms Moem.

mothers day poem - favourites by ms moem

Happy Mother’s Day

Whose is the heart that
bursts with pride each time
she sees your face

Whose are the eyes that
dart about to check your world
is safe

Whose are the arms that wrap
you up and hold you tight
and close

Whose is the love that’s always
there whenever you need it

Whose is the smile
that lights the room when
you are smiling too

Whose shoulder is the place to be
when only a cuddle
will do

Whose chest is warm and
comforting when you’re a
weary soul

Whose motivation only has
your happiness as
her goal

Whose are the tears that
cry for you as you grow
old and free

Whose is the heart that aches
so much in the space that you
should be

Whose is the head that knows that
you must find your path

Whose is the voice that welcomes you
each time you go back

Who could have so many facets
that make her oh-so

Who has you on her mind each
day and today we

Whose hands hold and guide
you in a way unlike

All these are part and parcel
of the joys of being a

A Mother’s Love is a poem written by Ms Moem in honour of Mother’s Day.

Please do feel free to share this mother’s day poem.

Mother’s Day can have a different side ~ if like me, you are missing your Mum on Mother’s Day, this poem might resonate with you.

Missing Mum is a poem written by Ms Moem.

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