Memories Are Funny Things

memories are funny things poem by ms moem

Memories Are Funny Things

Memories are funny things.
You hear your favourite singer sing
And all at once, that voice is stored,
Recognizable evermore.

You visit towns, you see the sights,
You feel the heat, you see the light
And that becomes a picture, saved;
A snapshot of a happy day.

And all you ever need to do
Is think about that perfect view
And all at once, you’re there once more
Seeing it as you previously saw.

A scent or sound can do the same.
A hint, and whoosh, you’re back again.
You’re in the room, you’re with the guy,
No matter how much time’s passed by.

And if you listen close enough
The voices of the ones you love
Will stay inside your clever mind
For you to recall, anytime!

So soak up life and all it brings
Cos memories are funny things.
They’re weaved from all you see or do.
Make them good. It’s up to you.

Memories are funny things is a short poem by English poet, Ms Moem.

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