You Belong With Me
You belong with me, my love
And I belong with you.
We should live life side by side
In everything we do.
You belong with me today,
For now and ever more.
And I belong with you, my dear,
The one that I adore.
We were meant to be, I know;
It’s written in the stars.
I love the way we are as one
And everything you are.
Just think of all the moments
Aligning for us to meet
So once we found each other
We were bound to feel complete.
But this part of our story
We’ll sit and write together.
Hanging memories on the wall
Of the home we’ll share forever.
So, both of us are certain
As we each say ‘I do’
That you belong with me, my love,
And I belong with you.
You Belong With Me – A Wedding Poem © Ms Moem
You are free to use this poem as a reading at your wedding!
You can purchase a printable copy of You Belong With Me through my etsy store –
This is perfect if you are looking to run a copy past your officiant and also to give to the person who will be doing your wedding reading on your special day.
Thank you for choosing one of my wedding poems for you wedding! Do tweet, instagram or facebook a picture so I can wish the happy couple all the best!