Hold My Hand Daddy | A Poem

hold my hand daddy - poem for fathers day - by @MsMoem

Hold My Hand Daddy

Hold my hand Daddy
And show me the way
So that I can go out
In the big world one day.
Teach me the basics
And then let me learn.
Should I ever get stuck
I’ll know just where to turn.
Cheer me up Daddy
When I’m feeling blue.
I can always rely
On a kind word from you.
Dry my tears Daddy
When I’m feeling sad.
Let me know it’s okay
And I won’t feel so bad.
Show me the sunshine
And then set me free
To be the brilliant person
That you raised me to be.

Hold My Hand Daddy is a poem written by Ms Moem

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Ms Moem

Ms Moem is an English poet. Since 2007, she has taken thousands of commissions for personalised poetry. Bespoke poems make the best personalised gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more! Commmission your personalised poem today! iwantapoem.com

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