Own The Sky Poem

Own The Sky poem by English Poet Ms Moem

Own The Sky – I wrote this poem back in 2014! Original post here: https://msmoem.com/2014/poetry-2/spread-your-wings/
I keep seeing it being shared, though it has sadly lost credit along the way. It’s bittersweet. Even so, it’s still pretty special to see people quoting it alongside their instagram pictures.

Incidentally, if you’d like to keep up with my poetry on instagram, come and find me @msmoem.

Here are a few examples of my poem out in the wild. Bonus points go to the few lovely souls who have indeed tagged me in which makes me happy:

#spreadyourwings #itstimetofly #maketheleap #ownthesky #kekoreakeaku #backpackers

A post shared by Ahmad Sobri Ishak (@sobriishak) on

Spread your wings – it's time fly. Take the leap and own the sky.✨ Having the ability to help women on their wellness journey's, as well as help entrepreneurs reach for their dreams has truly changed my life!💕Coaching has taught me to be kind and patient yet ambitious, to be resilient and determined yet positive, and to hustle and work hard yet be humble. Coaching has taught me to dream BIG, to believe in something much much bigger than me, and most importantly to believe in MYSELF. It truly is a beautiful thing when you come out of your shell and embrace who you are!❤️ Taking this leap has made all the difference in my life and it lights my soul on fire thinking about all the others who can experience this too!🔥If you feel like the Team LivingOutLoud mission in is line with your values and dreams, we should have a conversation! Let's see if this business can make as big of an impact for YOU as it has for me!✨#TEAMLIVINGOUTLOUD

A post shared by Molly Jones📧👇🏼 (@livingoutloudwellness) on

Spread your wings. It's time to fly. Make the leap. Own the sky. #spreadyourwings#ownthesky#flyaway#timetofly

A post shared by Daniela santoscoy (@yoga_santos) on

It is so important if you see some words you like that someone else has taken the time to write, to remember to attribute the work to the author. You wouldn’t take a painting and claim to have created it yourself. Artforms like poetry are in the same category.

Without sounding all woe is me, it can be hard as a poet to find your place in the world to be heard. And that aside, it’s really just manners. I love it when people share my work, I really do. It is an absolute privilege. However when it is left uncredited or worse still, recreated and someone else has stuck their brand on it (yes, this has happened! and polite requests to add credit were ignored 🙁 ) it disconnects me from valuable feedback that I use to help better my craft.

Anyway, it is still extremely flattering to see my words travel so widely. And really, being read is more important than acclaim. Even if just one person appreciates your art, then that’s another strand to your rainbow!

I’m not anti-sharing, I’m really not. In fact I encourage. Just link a girl up, just sayin’! 🙂

Anyway, if you ever do want to share any of my poems, please do #hashtag or @at me @msmoem. You can find me on instagram, youtube, pinterest and facebook.

To sum up, sharing with credit = good, omitting or taking credit = bad.

And to end on a positive note…

Spread your wings and keep flying!


In a funny way, the words themselves have done exactly what I wrote. Out there owning the sky all by themselves. That’s a thought to leave me with a smile.

Let Love Shout Loudest

Let Love Shout Loudest - a poem by English poet Ms Moem @msmoem for more poems and poetry visit http://www.msmoem.com

Let Love Shout Loudest

Let love shout loudest.
Let it surround us and consume.
Let it lift the heaviest hearts.
Let it brighten the darkest room
And as love breeds into infinity,
Let it bask in sun and moon.
May love weather every storm that breaks,
Enduring through the gloom.

Let love fortify the aged.
Let us teach it to our young.
Let love unite generations
And be passed to those to come.

Let love not be legend.
Let it be the way we live.
Let love be the gift;
We are ALL hardwired to give.

Let love build our cities.
Let love be our law.
Let love be the answer
To all knocks at the door.

Love tenderly, wholeheartedly;
Let it float upon the breeze.
Let it ripple lakes and waterways
And rustle through the trees.

Let love permeate the soil.
Let love pave the streets.
Let love be a home for all.
Let love be our heart beat.

Love passionately, love purely,
With purpose, without condition.
When the world is blinded
Let love restore its vision.

Let love be the question and also the reply.
May love not be disheartened, no matter who may try.
Let love be a comfort for the broken and weak.
Let love be the language that every soul speaks.

Let love be the melody that our spirits sing.

Let us live love.
Let love be the thing.

Let Love Shout Loudest is poem by English poet, Ms Moem.

You Make My World Brighter

you make my world brighter poem

You make my world brighter.
You make my heart leap.
You make my tummy tingle.
You make me love deep.
You make my soul sparkle.
You make my toes curl.
You make my cheeks smile.
I made you my world.

You Make My World Brighter is a short poem by Ms Moem.

You can buy a copy of this poem on Etsy!


Family Is For Life | A Rhyming Poem

Family is for life!

Family Is For Life

In life, there are few constants.
We face the ebb and flow.
Situations happen.
People come and go.
But when you count your blessings
You’ll see, in joy and strife,
One thing you can rely on;
Family is for life!

© Family Is For Life is a short rhyming poem by English Poet Ms Moem.

Family Is For Life - short rhyming oem by Ms Moem @msmoem

Bedtime Wishes || A Rhyming Poem For Children

Bedtime Wishes - poem for children by ms moem
Bedtime Wishes

When I go to sleep at night
Bathed in stars and palest light
I know an angel guards my room;
You might know him as the moon.
Without fail, as sun does set
My dreams and I are gently met
To be looked over all the way
Until we meet each bright new day.

Ms Moem

Bedtime Wishes is a short rhyming poem for children, copyright Ms Moem.

You can buy a copy of Bedtime Wishes on etsy:


Own The Sky | Poem Quote

Own the sky is a line from a poem that I wrote back in 2014. I’ve been experimenting with handlettering and have been making full use of my poetry archives.
Spread your wings, It’s time to fly. Make the leapm Own the sky.

own the sky - a poem by Ms Moem - hand lettering by Ms Moem  © Copyright Ms Moem poet

I also had a go at brush lettering it with my finetec metallic palette, the results of which you can see on youtube.

I am loving blending my poetry with a bit more artistry. Hope you like the results!

L.I.P (Live In Peace) ~ Poetry

L.I.P. (Live In Peace) - a poem by Ms Moem @msmoem - for more poetry, visit Ms Moem's poetry blog http://www.msmoem.com

L.I.P. (Live In Peace)

We are not soldiers.
Peace runs through our hearts.
Wars rage on regardless,
We need not take part.
Life can be a struggle;
a perpetual night
But the sun won’t rise quicker
If we choose to fight.
So let’s down our weapons
And open our arms
Become a safe haven
Of kindness and calm.
Life need not be a battle
Where we merely survive.
We wait to rest in peace;
We should live it while we’re alive.

L.I.P.(Live In Peace) is a poem written by Ms Moem.

A Poem – The Universe Got Your Back

the universe got your back - a poem by ms moem @msmoem

The Universe Got Your Back

There’s a myriad of voices
That are swirling in your mind,
Judging all your choices,
Questioning how you spend your time
And while society conditions us
To live a certain way,
The world is not that black & white;
There are many shades of grey.
You can have a go at anything
If you set your mind to it.
You don’t need to ask the cosmos;
Just decide, and then pursue it.
Though if you listen carefully
When you’re on the right track
You might hear the universe whisper
“Go get it! I got your back.”

The Universe Got Your Back is a short poem by English poet, Ms Moem.

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