Category: Quotes
Don’t Hold Back Your Poetry
Birds Of A Feather Fly Together | Quote
Limited Edition | Quote
Painted Quote
We’re not meant to be perfect!
Perfectly Pointless
Click here to see the perfect face
The perfect form, the perfect place
The look, the shape, the perfect style
The perfect pristine pouting smile
The perfect bag, the perfect shoes
The perfect way to break the news
The perfect trip, the perfect date
The perfect possible party mate
The perfect chemistry, perfect life
Perfect soulmate, husband, wife
Boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, more
The perfect way to know for sure….
They list perfection, cast the net
We sigh, we cry, we’re not there yet
But here’s the thing, hope you’ll agree
Perfect’s pointless; not meant to be.
Perfectly Pointless is a poem by Ms Moem.