Poem About Friendship | Friendship Matters

Friendship Matters A friend is pleased to see you. Friendship is based on care. A friend won’t leave you high & dry. A true friend’s always there. Friendship is a short poem about friendship by English poet, Ms Moem. For more poems, why not check out some of my other posts!

Count The Ways You’re Beautiful | Poem

Count All The Ways You’re Beautiful Count all the ways you’re beautiful; Your soul and your spirit, Your brilliant body And all the wonder within it. Your heart full of love, Your mind full of care, Your eyes full of awe, Your lungs full of air. Your chest full of pride, Your muscles full of …

Regret Or Repair || Poem

Regret Or Repair In moments of realization You have a choice to make. Either let regret consume you Or rectify your mistake. Regret Or Repair || A short positive poem by Ms Moem. Ⓒ

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