100 blogs in 100 days Challenge | Done | #100blogs

It has been 100 days since I started out on the journey to writing 100 blogs in 100 days, so this is it. The 100th blog. I did it! #100blogs done! What have I learned from writing these 100 blogs? Primarily, I have learned that I don’t ever want to be a full blogger. Creating …

Why The Numbers Don’t Matter

When you are blogging, there are numbers for everything: Numbers of blog visitors, numbers of page views, time spent on pages, percentage of click throughs, numbers from this country, numbers from that referral source, numbers of comments, numbers of likes & shares, and so it goes on. I don’t know if you are anything like …


100 blogs. ONE. HUNDRED. BLOGS. #100blogs! – My list of the 100 blogs I have written over 100 days is at the end of this post. It’s a challenge alright. The idea for this comes from Gareth Mailer (SEO Wizard and internet marketing specialist) who decided he was going to write 100 blog posts in …

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